Introducing Hello Menopause!

S1, Trailer
October 18, 2022

Menopause. It’s big, it’s life-changing and it’s… hardly talked about. Well we’re gonna do just that. Talk about it! Join Let’s Talk Menopause co-founder Christine Maginnis and comedic storyteller Robin Gelfenbien as they explore the wide spectrum of perimenopause symptoms, the benefits of aging, and the misconceptions about the most mysterious non-mystery on Earth - menopause.

Visit for a wealth of menopause information about the 101’s of the menopause transition, a  symptoms checklist, a wealth of free resources, and more.  Hello Menopause is a podcast from the national nonprofit Let’s Talk Menopause produced in partnership with FRQNCY Media.

Learn more about the nonprofit Let’s Talk Menopause:

Download a symptoms checklist here (lista de síntomas aquí).

Check out Robin’s Comedy & Funny True Stories

Follow Robin on Social: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter & Facebook

Thank you to Always Discreet for sponsoring this episode of Hello Menopause. Always Discreet because we deserve better.

Christine Maginnis

Welcome to Hello Menopause. A podcast where you’ll hear real menopause stories from real people.

Robin Gelfenbien

Oh yeah, And we’ll get into it all. From brain fog to panic attacks, to heart palpitations and urinary issues. Menopause has 34 symptoms, and you’re gonna hear em all. Even burning tongue. Yeah, that’s a thing!

Christine Maginnis

And we’ll celebrate stories from women who feel better after reaching menopause, who find it liberating and empowering, and I can say I felt it was.

Robin Gelfenbien

And we’re gonna be loud and we’re not gonna hold back. No more whispering. No more shame. We’re taking the taboo out of the menopause transition. 

Christine Maginnis

I’m your host, Christine Maginnis, co-founder of the nonprofit Let’s Talk Menopause.

Robin Gelfenbien

And I’m your co-host, Robin Gelfenbien. 

Christine Maginnis

Grab a throw and get comfy because Hello Menopause feels like a lot like gathering with friends.

Robin Gelfenbien

Yeah, you’ll hear stories about how to handle menopause at work, at home and even in the bedroom. 

Christine Maginnis


Robin Gelfenbien


Christine Maginnis

and sometimes not so sexy

Robin Gelfenbien

True, but we do have a killer lineup of guests. 

Christine Maginnis

Let me share a few! We sit down with Stacy London, the former co-host of What Not to Wear, who speaks openly about the struggles of the menopause transition while also asking women to celebrate the positive changes it brings.

Stacy London

“I think that menopause is mother nature's biological fail safe for making you refocus on your needs…” 

Robin Gelfenbien

We’ve also got feminist, healer, social justic advocate and overall badass, Omisade Burney-Scott - creator of the Black Girl’s Guide to Surviving Menopause. 

Omisade Burney-Scott

“I always think about my menopause experience in the context of who I was and who I am as a person … I had a whole experience as a whole person. And there were a lot of things going on that kind of, like, made those symptoms either really intense or really clear that I needed some support.”

Christine Maginnis

We also take a deep dive with author and educator, Darcey Steinke of “Flash Count Diary” fame. She shares her menopause story and her connection to, believe it or not killer whales.

Darcey Steinke

 “And then the real thing was when I found out that like killer whales, go through it. And the fact that they become the leaders of their pods […] at around 50, we become so valuable to our communities that there needs to be two groups of women, one group to have babies and do the incredibly important work of mothering and another group to be leaders.”

Robin Gelfenbien

Plus, at the beginning of every episode, you’ll hear our Menopause on the Street segment. Now that’s where I hit the streets of New York City and ask total strangers about, you guessed it, menopause.

Christine Maginnis

And some of their responses are going to crack you up. 

Robin Gelfenbien


Christine Maginnis

Now remember, if you’re going through the menopause transition, what you are feeling is not just in your head, and please know you are not alone.

Robin Gelfenbien

So join us for Hello Menopause. Your go-to for frank, fun and unforgettable conversations about menopause. 

Christine Maginnis

Hello Menopause is brought to you by the new national non-profit Let’s Talk Menopause and is produced by FRQNCY Media. Coming soon to Apple Podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts.

Robin Gelfenbien

Hello Menopause is brought to you by Always Discreet. Because we deserve better